
Cancel Your Nold Cloud Account

We're sorry to see you go! If you just want to cancel your subscription to the premium plan, visit the Billing page and click on the Would you like to cancel your subscription button. You'll be reverted back to the free plan and you won't be charged again.

If you completely want to delete your account:

Only the account owner can cancel the account, and if you're super sure you want to cancel, please remember that there's no turning back. Once you cancel, you won't be charged again, and your account will be inaccessible. All account data will be permanently deleted immediately after the account is canceled. Make sure to export your data if needed before canceling.

First, go to My Account and select the Security submenu. At the bottom, click on the Delete account button.

Once the popup opens, click on the red Send the email button. You will receive an email with a 6 digit code.

Enter the code in the 6 digit code field and click Delete account