
How do I setup the Nold Open device?

Downloading the app

First, download the Nold Open app from the App Store on iOS or from the Google Play on Android. Nold Open requires iOS 9.0 or later and Android 4.3 or later.

Create an account

Once you installed the Nold Open device and it is powered up (a green LED is blinking on it), start the app and create an account. You need to enter your name, email address and a password.

Search for a device

In the next step, the app will search for Nold Open devices. If you have a single device, you should see two results, since each output on Nold can be setup individually. If you have more than one device, you can use the signal strength indicator to distinguish them.

Choose a name and a photo

In the next step, you will create a virtual key for your device. Enter a name for it and make a photo, so if you have more than one key, you can distinguish them more easily. 

Activate the device

Theres one last step: configure & activate the device. You need an active internet connection in this step, and make sure you are in close range of your Nold Open device. This step might take up to 10 seconds to finish.